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Lord Of Robots


Author: Feyza YILMAZ Translator: Mehmet Akif ACAR (14 Years Old)

Editor: Behice KAVAK

Hello, my name is Ayşe, and I am ten years old. I am working as Al-Jazari's apprentice. I learned much from him. Now I will have some questions for him. But maybe you have some questions in your mind. As an apprentice of Al-Jazari, I know something about him, but even as his apprentice; I still have things that I don’t know about him. I wanted to know these.

-Al-Jazari, can I ask some questions to you?

-Sure, you can ask.

-In which year you were born?

-I was born in 1136, in Cizre. Namely here.

-I understand. Alright, so did you think of any name for the robot that we are making?

-This is a robot that we are making together, so I thought that we could put the name together. But I have a name in my mind if you want, we can put that.

-What is the name in your mind?

-“Saz playing robot”

-Awesome name. It would fit perfectly. Let's put this name.

A smile appeared on the face of Al-Jazari's face. 

-I have another question. What are you doing when you are not into robots?

-Going around towns and playing with kids.

I already told you. I work as Al-Jazari's apprentice. I am helping him as much as I can. And I enjoy being with him. However, the room where he works is a little dusty and there are old models everywhere, I love working with him.

While talking nicely with Al-Jazari, he realized that one of the parts was missing and went out to buy the missing part. I waited Al-Jazari for a long time. When he came, he worked on the robot to finish it. He worked for a long time. When he began getting tired, I told him to rest as he was getting too tired. He listened to me. He again started working when he finished resting. He worked, worked, and worked... Now it was time to see if the robot was working. Al-Jazari said bismillah and started the robot. The robot started! Me and Al-Jazari were very happy. We had worked on this robot over the years with Al-Jazari. In the end, we got the reward for our work. Now, we were thinking about the robots that we were going to make.

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