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Master Of Clouds

Mehmet Akif ACAR

Writer: Hatice Kübra AYÇİÇEK (11 Years Old)     

Translator: Mehmet Akif ACAR (14 Years Old)

Illustrator: Hafsa Meryem Yavuz (10 Years Old) Editor: Behice KAVAK

Year 1632, autumn months.

Hello everybody! My name is Hürkan. I am the apprentice of my master Ahmet. You know, the money that my mother gets isn’t enough. Thanks to my master Ahmet, he accepted me for the job. Even if I don’t have much knowledge, I know a little bit of knowledge as my late father Remzi taught me. My master pitied us, I had my mother and my sister. This goodness he made became my duty. My wage was 10 silver coins (akçe). The money my mother brings, and my money was enough for us when added together.

Nowadays, my master looks confused. He wanted to fly for years. He was obsessed with flying. Every day he improved his wings and tested those tools that looked like bird wings. But he was too self-confident. His self-confidence and braveness were made of steel. He went up to Galata Tower and made 7-8 tests. He struggled because of the strong wind. But after a while something unexpected happened. My master left himself into the sky bravely and began to glide, namely, to fly in the sky. After he flew thousands of meters from the Bosphorus he landed at the place where my father’s grave in other words, to Doğancılar plaza. Everybody was in shock. Because nobody believed my skillful master except me. 

When my master Ahmet landed, I ran towards him in an instant, tapping my heels. While I was running, the sounds of the strong applause sound from the plaza and the sound of my shoes chafing grass mixed up. Eventually, after a long run, I saw my master and said to him:

- My skillful master. I knew that you could do it, Well done to you!

When he landed, he became proud of himself because of my words. I hopped into my master’s arms, and he put me on his shoulder. A dirty-bearded man asked my olive-eyed master why he took me to his lap and my master said:

- I didn't do all these calculations by myself, the person who gave me great ideas was my little apprentice Hürkan. My only supporter and my biggest helper in my hard times was Hürkan

My eyes filled with tears of proud. Afterward, they begin applauding me. I was so proud; I would like to see these days with my father, but it wasn’t possible. InshAllah he is watching me from heaven. From now on we attain our desire. I wanted always to contribute to my master's inventions.

After this big event, my master Ahmet’s name became Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi.

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